Chessed Programs

Relief Center

Hundreds of residents in need are assisted on a regular basis along with thousands before Jewish holidays with donations of clothing, food, bills paid, etc. in cooperation with municipal social workers.

Hospitals Visits

Our Students package and deliver "goodies" to patients in the hospital every week and organize synagogue service, Kiddush and Havdala.

Bar Mitzva preparation

70-80 young boys from non observant homes prepare for their Bar Mitzva with Nahar Deiah students each year, learning about Judaism, prayer, holidays and Jewish history in warm and pleasant attitude.

Spiritual Center for the community

Torah classes for the community of Nahariya, including daily classes for adults in traditional texts (Talmud, Chumash and Jewish Thought), Tehilim groups for children on Shabbat, and more classes for local residents

Enrichment programs for school and pre-school children.

The Relief (Chessed) Center operates in cooperation

with the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey